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Bony Pelvis Quiz 1
Name the bony landmarks marked A-L in Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Bony Pelvis Quiz 2
Identify the male / female pelvis
Bony Pelvis Quiz 3
Fig 3
Identify the type of female pelvis (marked A_D) in Fig. 3
Bony Pelvis Quiz 4
What are the approx. measurements of the various diameters (in cm) of a. pelvic inlet (A1-A3)
b. pelvic cavity (B1-B3)
c. pelvic outlet ( C1-C3 )
Bony Pelvis Quiz 5
Mark the following statements as TRUE or FALSE:
1. The subpubic angle is 90 degree or more in males.
2. The anteroposterior diameter of the pelvic outlet is the longest.
3. the transverse diameter of the pelvic inlet is the shortest.
4. The pelvic inlet is heart shaped in android pelvis.
Fig. 3
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